Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi everyone,

Finally we have our very own CIP BLOG!! Hooray!! I would like to welcome everyone to write comments bout your respective buddy from RCHD so that in future other members can take it as a reference and share it with other non-members as well.

Rules and regulation:
1) No vulgar words
2) No photo/picture that contain any nudity element
3) Only post things related to Community Involvement Program (No personal blogging)
4) Leave your name eveytime you blog
5) I will add when I think of any :)

Happy Blogging!!

Nicholas ^-^

1 comment:

110PM said...

Wahh... The first CIP's blog ever in the history of RCHN-NTU :P

Faster upload your RCHD visit's photos, hahaha...

Btw, it's Phuong Minh here. Well done Niki ;)