Monday, October 6, 2008

3rd visit to RCHD

The 3rd vistit to the RCHD was truly eventful. It was also rather hectic. Prior to the visit we were segregated country wise and were supposed to perform for the residents. I was part of the Indian group. We as usual practised only at the last moment. Our main man Dilparinder Singh a.k.a Dil led a troop of 4 in a stunning dance. The residents (some of them) expressed their elation and excitement. I was there to play the guitar (which I had been playing for only a month or so). I had practised till 3 the day before the visit. I went to all the residents on each floor to play what I had prepared. It was Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. Mr. Win (one of the residents) actually indicated to my friends and me to go away as he was feeling sleepy. Still I went from room to room playing what I knew. Then I came to Mr. Christopher "The Date Master" (as I like to call him). He actually enjoyed me play and my friend (Doyen Sahu) sing. So I played a few solos for him including the "Godfather theme". In the end he said "thank you". That made my day.
All the people gathered to see our dancers Dil , Sai, Dinkar and Srinath who stole the show.
Also I must say the Chinese group seemed mast organised and professional.Not to mention all the other performing groups.
One of our dancers (Sai Aparajitha) injured her hand while dancing.
All in all it was great to see everyone happy.

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